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Inverse sDOLA

January 2024

yAudit Inverse Finance DOLA Savings Review

Review Resources:

Code repositories and documentation were used during this audit.


  • adriro
  • pandadefi

Table of Contents

1     Review Summary
2     Scope
5     High Findings
6     Low Findings
9     Final remarks

Review Summary

Dola Savings

DolaSavings is a staking platform allowing users to earn rewards by depositing DOLA tokens. It aims to promote long-term holding by distributing DBR tokens based on the duration and amount of DOLA staked.

The contracts of the Dola savings Repo were reviewed over 3 days. The code review was performed by 2 auditors between January 4th and January 7th, 2024. The repository was under active development during the review, but the review was limited to the latest commit at the start of the review. This was commit 5c38feed71ef71425ecd6b121574220e94ab8f8d for the Dola savings repo.


The scope of the review consisted of the following contracts at the specific commit:

  • src/DolaSavings.sol
  • src/sDola.sol
  • src/sDolaHelper.sol

After the findings were presented to the Dola savings team, fixes were made and included in several PRs.

This review is a code review to identify potential vulnerabilities in the code. The reviewers did not investigate security practices or operational security and assumed that privileged accounts could be trusted. The reviewers did not evaluate the security of the code relative to a standard or specification. The review may not have identified all potential attack vectors or areas of vulnerability.

yAudit and the auditors make no warranties regarding the security of the code and do not warrant that the code is free from defects. yAudit and the auditors do not represent nor imply to third parties that the code has been audited nor that the code is free from defects. By deploying or using the code, Inverse Finance and users of the contracts agree to use the code at their own risk.

Code Evaluation Matrix

Category Mark Description
Access Control Good Follows standard practices.
Mathematics Good Calculations are accurate with proper overflow checks.
Complexity Good Code is well-organized and modular.
Libraries Good Uses well-tested libraries without modifications.
Decentralization Good User funds are safe from governance actions.
Code stability Good Stable with no known issues in the current environment.
Documentation Low Functions are lacking NatSpec comments.
Monitoring Low Missing events on state variable changes.
Testing and verification Average Adequate tests cover major functionalities.

Findings Explanation

Findings are broken down into sections by their respective impact:

  • Critical, High, Medium, Low impact
    • These are findings that range from attacks that may cause loss of funds, impact control/ownership of the contracts, or cause any unintended consequences/actions that are outside the scope of the requirements.
  • Gas savings
    • Findings that can improve the gas efficiency of the contracts.
  • Informational
    • Findings including recommendations and best practices.

High Findings

1. High - sDola vault is susceptible to the inflation attack

The first depositor in the sDola.sol contract can inflate the value of a share to cause rounding issues in subsequent deposits.

Technical Details

The sDola ERC4626 vault is susceptible to a vulnerability known as the Inflation Attack, in which the first depositor can be front-run by an attacker to steal their deposit.

Let's imagine a user wants to deposit X amount of DOLA in sDola.

  1. The attacker deposits 1 wei of DOLA in sDola, they own 1 share of sDOLA.
  2. The attacker stakes X / 2 DOLA in DolaSaving on behalf of the sDola vault, now total assets in sDola are X / 2 + 1.
  3. The user deposit transaction goes through, they are minted roundDown( X * 1 / (X / 2 + 1) ) = 1 share.
  4. The attacker redeems their share of sDOLA and receives (X + X / 2) / 2 = 3/4 * X. Their profit is 3/4 * X - X / 2 - 1 = X / 4 - 1.


High. An attacker can steal part of the initial deposit in the vault.


There are different ways to mitigate this attack. One of the simplest alternatives is to mint an initial set of dead shares when the vault is deployed so that the attack would become impractical to perform.

Developer Response

Addressed in https://github.com/InverseFinance/dola-savings/pull/9/files.

2. High - sDola should not be allowed to be borrowed in a lending borrowing market

The sDola price can be manipulated with deposits to DolaSavings on the behalf of sDola contract.

Technical Details

When an asset whose price can be manipulated atomically is used as collateral and borrowed, the lending market is at risk. If a large deposit is made to DolaSavings in the name of the sDola contract, it artificially inflates the value of sDola. This can lead to a scenario where the borrower can borrow more than the actual collateral value. See: cream finance hack


High. sDola can't be borrowed.


Document the issue, and make sure protocol integrators are aware of the pitfalls of using sDola.

Developer Response

Addressed in https://github.com/InverseFinance/dola-savings/pull/8/commits/0c8f83a4afa5cb25513ed74060cf369ddd55d982.

Low Findings

1. Low - Consider implementing two-step procedure for updating protocol addresses

A copy-paste error or a typo may end up bricking protocol operability.

Technical Details

The gov state variable is key to the protocol governance.

71 | function setGov(address _gov) public onlyGov { gov = _gov; }


100 | function setGov(address _gov) external onlyGov {
101 |         gov = _gov;
102 |     }



Low. Uploading protocol governance needs to be done with extra care.


Add a two-step governance address update.

Developer Response

Addressed in https://github.com/InverseFinance/dola-savings/pull/4.

2. Low - Missing checks for address(0) on stake() recipient

Funds can be staked by mistake to the address(0).

Technical Details

90|    function stake(uint amount, address recipient) public updateIndex(recipient) {
91|        balanceOf[recipient] += amount;
92|        totalSupply += amount;
93|        dola.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
94|    }



Low. Funds can be lost.


Add a check to make sure the recipient isn't address(0).

Developer Response

Addressed https://github.com/InverseFinance/dola-savings/pull/4.

3. Low - buyDBR() call with incorrect exactDbrOut might lead to overpaying for dbr

With buyDBR() taking exactDolaIn and exactDbrOut as parameters, it's possible that a user misused exactDbrOut is not ideal at the moment the transaction is mined. This will have the user paying extra DolaIn.

Technical Details

The exactDbrOut amount might be different from the ideal amount because of changes on chain or a mistake from the user.



Low. Users should use the helper contracts.


Document the existence of the helper contract for users to interact with.

Developer Response

4. Low - Incorrect overflow check in maxYearlyRewardBudget

The check in setMaxYearlyRewardBudget() is presumably incorrect as the associated comment reads:

cannot overflow and revert within 10,000 years

Technical Details

Accrued rewards are calculated in updateIndex according to the following formula:

36:                 uint maxBudget = maxRewardPerDolaMantissa * totalSupply / mantissa;
37:                 uint budget = yearlyRewardBudget > maxBudget ? maxBudget : yearlyRewardBudget;
38:                 uint rewardsAccrued = deltaT * budget * mantissa / 365 days;

Line 38 will overflow if deltaT * budget * mantissa > 2**256 - 1, hence we need budget < 2**256 - 1 / (deltaT * mantissa).

If the intention is to support up to 10 years, then the check in setMaxYearlyRewardBudget() should be _max < type(uint).max / (365 days * 10 * mantissa).




Adjust the overflow check in setMaxYearlyRewardBudget().

Developer Response

Addressed in https://github.com/InverseFinance/dola-savings/pull/5.

5. Low - Missing sweep() function as part of sDola contract

The sDola contract doesn't have a sweep() function.

Technical Details

Unlike DolaSaving, it's not possible to recover tokens sent by mistake due to the lack of a sweep() function. The contract should only have dbr tokens; other tokens should be recoverable by the governance multisig account.


Low. Funds sent by mistake would be lost.


+    function sweep(address token, uint amount, address to) public onlyGov {
+        require(address(dbr) != token, "Not authorized");
+        IERC20(token).transfer(to, amount);
+    }

Developer Response

Addressed in https://github.com/InverseFinance/dola-savings/pull/6.

Gas Saving Findings

1. Gas - Unnecessary call to getDbrReserve() in buyDBR()

getDbrReserve() calls the saving contract on the claimable() function. A claim to the saving contract is done right before the call to claimable(), which will then always return zero.

Technical Details

89|        savings.claim(address(this));
90|        uint dolaReserve = getDolaReserve() + exactDolaIn;
91|        uint dbrReserve = getDbrReserve() - exactDbrOut;



Gas savings.


Replace line 91 by

-         uint dbrReserve = getDbrReserve() - exactDbrOut;
+         uint dbrReserve = dbr.balanceOf(address(this)) - exactDbrOut;

Since getDolaReserve() is also calling getDbrReserve() it is also possible to save even more gas with the following code:

-        uint dolaReserve = getDolaReserve() + exactDolaIn;
-        uint dbrReserve = getDbrReserve() - exactDbrOut;
+        uint balance = dbr.balanceOf(address(this));
+        uint dolaReserve = getK() / balance + exactDolaIn;
+        uint dbrReserve = dbr.balanceOf(address(this)) - exactDbrOut;

To save even more gas, with these changes, you could cache getK() instead of calling it twice.

Developer Response

Addressed in https://github.com/InverseFinance/dola-savings/pull/3/commits/7c7683c7bdc6e5b6533b5f002cb853a2fa0d79ba.

2. Gas - Cache storage variables in reward calculation logic

Several storage variables are read multiple times in the implementation of the updateIndex modifier and the claimable() function.

Technical Details

The following variables are fetched from storage multiple times:

  • yearlyRewardBudget
  • totalSupply
  • rewardIndexMantissa


Gas savings.


Consider using a local variable as a cache to prevent multiple reads from storage.

Developer Response

Addressed in https://github.com/InverseFinance/dola-savings/pull/3/commits/b77a420808fb92031010fc5122c4b1b63f37b729

3. Gas - In getDolaReserve() add an option to pass getDbrReserve()

getDolaReserve() and getDbrReserve() are often called within the same scope, with getDolaReserve() making a call to getDbrReserve(), it's possible to save gas by passing the getDbrReserve() result to getDolaReserve().

Technical Details

29 |    function getDbrOut(uint dolaIn) public view returns (uint dbrOut) {
30 |        require(dolaIn > 0, "dolaIn must be positive");
31 |        uint dolaReserve = sDola.getDolaReserve();
32 |        uint dbrReserve = sDola.getDbrReserve();

Here we can see getDolaReserve() and getDbrReserve() are used in the same scope.

File: sDola.sol
68 |    function getDolaReserve() public view returns (uint) {
69 |        return getK() / getDbrReserve();
70 |   }
71 |
72 |    function getDbrReserve() public view returns (uint) {
73 |        return dbr.balanceOf(address(this)) + savings.claimable(address(this));
74 |   }

The getDbrReserve() result can be passed to getDolaReserve() to prevent additional calls to balanceOf() and claimable() methods.




Gas savings.


    function getDolaReserve() public view returns (uint) {
        return getK() / getDbrReserve();

+   function getDolaReserve(dbrReserve) public view returns (uint) {
+       return getK() / dbrReserve;
+   }

With that added it's possible to update the helper contract functions getDbrOut() and getDolaIn().

Developer Response

Addressed in https://github.com/InverseFinance/dola-savings/pull/3/commits/1f01bb0cc94e359830b5e44b7c299280ec0d4bf5.

4. Gas - Week elapsed time calculation can be simplified

The elapsed seconds in the current week can be calculated using the modulo operator.

Technical Details

In totalAssets(), the timeElapsed variable can be simplified as block.timestamp % 7 days.


Gas savings.


-   uint timeElapsed = block.timestamp - (week * 7 days);
+   uint timeElapsed = block.timestamp % 7 days;

Developer Response

Addressed in https://github.com/InverseFinance/dola-savings/pull/3/commits/45c4d9ff98df5c97952d72af87ab842aaa37c01e.

Informational Findings

1. Informational - Missing limits when setting max amounts

There is one missing limit in setMaxRewardPerDolaMantissa(), and this could lead to unexpected scenarios.

Technical Details

81 | function setMaxRewardPerDolaMantissa(uint _max) public onlyGov updateIndex(msg.sender) {
82 |         maxRewardPerDolaMantissa = _max;
83 |     }





Consider adding a max limit check.

Developer Response

Addressed in https://github.com/InverseFinance/dola-savings/pull/7/commits/707358b957cf142e896140beb59878f4e999bdc7.

2. Informational - Missing event for a critical parameter change

It is recommended to emit events when updating state variables.

Technical Details

The following functions are missing event emission:

DolaSavings.sol#70 DolaSavings.sol#71 DolaSavings.sol#73 DolaSavings.sol#81 DolaSavings.sol#85 Dola.sol#L81 Dola.sol#L81100




Add events to log the state variable changes.

Developer Response

Partially addressed in https://github.com/InverseFinance/dola-savings/pull/7/commits/46afe0b1350346fc8001bb43da441de1cfb5d70c.

3. Informational - public functions not called by the contract should be declared external instead

Using external visibility is recommended for clarity.

Technical Details

70 | function setOperator(address _operator) public onlyGov { operator = _operator; }

71 | function setGov(address _gov) public onlyGov { gov = _gov; }

73 | function setMaxYearlyRewardBudget(uint _max) public onlyGov updateIndex(msg.sender) {

81 | function setMaxRewardPerDolaMantissa(uint _max) public onlyGov updateIndex(msg.sender) {

85 | function setYearlyRewardBudget(uint _yearlyRewardBudget) public onlyOperator updateIndex(msg.sender) {

90 | function stake(uint amount, address recipient) public updateIndex(recipient) {

96 | function unstake(uint amount) public updateIndex(msg.sender) {

102 | function claimable(address user) public view returns(uint) {

114 | function claim(address to) public updateIndex(msg.sender) {

119 | function sweep(address token, uint amount, address to) public onlyGov {

DolaSavings.sol#L70 DolaSavings.sol#L71 DolaSavings.sol#L73 DolaSavings.sol#L81 DolaSavings.sol#L85 DolaSavings.sol#L90 DolaSavings.sol#L96 DolaSavings.sol#L102 DolaSavings.sol#L114 DolaSavings.sol#L119




Change the function visibility.

Developer Response

Addressed in https://github.com/InverseFinance/dola-savings/pull/7/commits/ade8b1d034e9b354dbb647d8d5bc54e1c60728c7.

4. Informational - else block unnecessary

By eliminating the else block and directly returning the values from the if-block, one level of nesting can be removed:

Technical Details

64 |        if(timeElapsed > duration) {
65 |             return targetK;
66 |         } else {
67 |             uint targetWeight = timeElapsed;
68 |             uint prevWeight = duration - timeElapsed;
69 |             return (prevK * prevWeight + targetK * targetWeight) / duration;
70 |         }





Code can be replaced by:

64 |        if(timeElapsed > duration) {
65 |             return targetK;
66 |         }
67 |        uint targetWeight = timeElapsed;
68 |        uint prevWeight = duration - timeElapsed;
69 |        return (prevK * prevWeight + targetK * targetWeight) / duration;

Developer Response

Addressed in https://github.com/InverseFinance/dola-savings/pull/7/commits/85938f54759d950a4f4db045ce3b143ffa971185.

Final remarks

The yAudit of Inverse Finance's Dola Savings platform, conducted by adriro and pandadefi, provided a thorough examination of its smart contracts. The audit, spanning three days, uncovered a range of findings from high to low impact, alongside gas-saving and informational insights. Critical vulnerabilities, such as the susceptibility of the sDola vault to inflation attacks and the potential manipulation of sDola in lending-borrowing markets, were promptly addressed. Lower-impact issues, focusing on aspects like checks and function optimizations, were also noted for improvement. The audit emphasizes the platform's strong foundation in smart contract development and its commitment to security, efficiency, and continuous improvement.

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